The Void Adventure

Treat this as another form of training. While it might not be physical training, it is mental training. Figure out how to store your energy. Don’t allow people to deplete your energy because that’s what they want. They want to know that they have the power to break you. If you break they win. If you remain calm and plan, you can win. Even if you don’t win at least make sure you don’t lose. It will require you to remain calm in this storm. Remain aware of yourself and of your place in this world. Know in your heart that you are made for more than this so when it gets worse, and it will get worse, you don’t even bat an eye to it. It’ll do all it can to try and strangle your attention away and drain your energy but let it talk to a wall. Be a wall that can’t be broken. Treat this like a meditation.

Let the chaos swirl around you, but don’t let it in. Stay centered, stay composed—because the second you react, you give it power. The moment you let frustration take hold, you’re playing into the hands of those who want to see you slip. But if you hold your ground, if you master the art of silence and stillness, you become untouchable.

Every challenge, every annoyance, every attempt to shake you is just another opportunity to refine your control. To sharpen your mind like a blade, to train yourself to be unmoved by the things that once pulled you down. The world will always test you, but the real test is whether you let it. Whether you stand firm or allow yourself to be dragged into battles that aren’t worth fighting.

And when the weight of it all tries to press down on you, remember this—your energy is yours to keep. No one can take it from you unless you hand it over. Hold onto it. Guard it. Let it fuel you rather than drain you. Because the stronger you become in mind, the less the world can touch you.

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Caroline Gill

A writer, blogger, and traveler. Being creative and making things keep me happy is my life motto.

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