The Void Adventure

What you find gives you more meaning in life is based entirely on the things you do in your life. You have this time right now. A buffer before you stat the next chapter of your life. As of now you’ve spent it on sleeping as much as you want to sleep and doing as little as possible throughout the day. Hasn’t really been reaping the desired result you were chasing. There is no satisfaction living this way because it’s easy to do this. It’s easy to just shut off everything else and do nothing. What’s really going to get you going is to do everything you can possibly do right now. Go on a hike. Get all these errands done that you never had the time to do before when you were working constantly. All these things that you know will provide you benefits in your day to day operations but aren’t necessarily a necessity to do. I promise you that the more of those you get done now while you can, the better your overall life will be in the future when you have to go back to the normal life. Enjoy the abnormal and take advantage of this time you have.

Because time like this won’t always be available to you. Right now, you have freedom—use it. Not for mindless comfort, not for wasting days away, but for everything you normally push aside. This is your chance to clear the weight of unfinished tasks, to take on challenges that will make your future self stronger, sharper, and more prepared.

It’s easy to let days slip by when there’s no urgency. But the lack of urgency doesn’t mean there’s a lack of opportunity. The things you do now—no matter how small—can shape the momentum you carry into your next chapter. The way you use this time determines whether you step into the future feeling behind, or ahead.

So take advantage of this. Build something with this time. Make sure when you look back, you see it as a period of preparation, of improvement, of making things better for yourself. Because when life picks up again, you’ll either be grateful for how you used these days—or regret the ones you let slip away.

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Caroline Gill

A writer, blogger, and traveler. Being creative and making things keep me happy is my life motto.

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