The Void Adventure

Slowly but surely you got to keep moving forward. Things will piss you off and try to derail you from your goals but don’t let them. Be arrogant enough to rise above them all. Even if it means relying on your ego. Rely on it. Bring it back out to play. Let it run free and take charge in the world. Let is mark its territory. Don’t give up ground to others or to things that will happen, may happen, or haven’t happened yet. All those things shouldn’t concern you. The only thing that should concern you is your directive. Your will to do what you want done for yourself. All the rest is just a distraction used against you to see if you really can control what you want in this world. You can. You always controlled it. Don’t give away that power to outside things. Let them try to take it from you, but let their attempts fall in vane. You are in control.

And control isn’t about avoiding obstacles—it’s about meeting them head-on and refusing to let them shake your foundation. It’s about standing firm in the storm, unbothered by the wind trying to push you off course. Let the world test you. Let the doubts creep in, let the distractions come. But meet them with the unshakable truth that none of it matters unless you allow it to.

There’s a strength in embracing your ego, not as a weakness but as a tool. A weapon. A shield. Let it remind you of who you are and what you’re capable of. Let it silence the noise, drown out the hesitation, and fuel you when nothing else can. Because the moment you give even an inch of your power away, the world will take a mile. But if you own it—if you hold onto it like your life depends on it—then there is no force that can stop you.

So walk with that arrogance. Move with that certainty. Not because the world owes you anything, but because you refuse to be anything less than what you know you’re meant to be.

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Caroline Gill

A writer, blogger, and traveler. Being creative and making things keep me happy is my life motto.

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