Moving forward now you must accept that everything you want to have, you must earn it. There is no more I deserve it. You want it earn it and take it. Waiting around for things to be perfect hasn’t done a thing for us. You have in you everything you need to get anything you want. You have it all. Bring birth back to your original ego. That ego that knew, not believed but knew that it could do anything. There was no latency for doubt. There was no consideration for what might go wrong. It just knew that whatever it was it wanted it could do. Not only could it do it, but it could do it better than anyone else could do it. That’s where we’re at now, the precipice of that original you emerging itself once again into the world you walk in. This time with an added discipline to it, and a specific knowledge of itself.
Because that version of you never truly disappeared—it was just buried beneath hesitation, beneath conditioning, beneath the slow decay of waiting for the right moment. But now, you see the truth. You never needed permission. You never needed the perfect conditions. You only needed to remember who you are.
And now that you do, there is no stopping you. No more waiting. No more hoping. No more wondering. You move because you decide to, because you know that action is the only thing that ever mattered. The world doesn’t give—it takes. So you take back what should have been yours all along.
This is not arrogance; this is certainty. A deep-rooted understanding that you are not just capable—you are inevitable. Every step you take from here forward is one made with power, because now, you don’t just believe in yourself. You know.